Female Leadership

The human brain is packed with passages like the contours of extensively intersecting paths of a labyrinth. In its twisting folds are the impressions of thousands of images; the reflection of a million words. (Anaïs Nin – writer)

For whom?

Throughout her career, every woman is looking for answers that are appropriate to her ambitions and development path. It may be a nice idea to pause and consider these matters for longer than a few minutes in a confidential setting. This will enable you to see and feel that you can be in touch with your core resilience, without getting distracted by emotions.

In a small group of (6-8) women of comparable professional status and intellectual level, you get to share your ideas and experiences, whilst all participants are able to raise work-related questions and issues. These may be topics that are to do with your personal growth and professional development.

This enables you to further develop your female strength and to do what you want to do, feeling inspired and filled with confidence. You assume/resume control and are (back) in the driving seat.

To join the Ladies Only evenings, simply sign up with Het Script. As part of an intake talk over the phone, we discuss your background, (work) situation, your goals and the nature of your need for help. This gives us a clearer picture of your needs.

Eligibility requirements

All participants are expected to actively contribute and to be personally committed to the gatherings.

The Foundations I go by in the guidance I provide are:

  • Adopting a clear and straightforward communication style, both in a private capacity, in your current professional post and throughout your career
  • Learning how to disconnect the business side of things from the personal element (emotional refilling station)
  • Living life with a due sense of awareness and objectiveness
  • Setting priorities rather than haphazardly skipping from one thing to the next, purposely deciding what to focus your energy on
  • Living in the moment: what kind of things distract you?
  • Being unafraid to ask for help
  • Turning in a solid performance and achieving your goals whilst retaining your femininity and female allure
  • Being in touch with your source (of inspiration)
  • What are your guiding principles?
  • Tapping into your own strengths and your own creative sources
  • Unmasking your inner critic
  • Balance… or being addicted to To Do lists
  • Self-acceptance, self-worth and self-reliance
  • Desire and dream
  • Your cultural background and roots as foundations
  • The female initiation path: child, mother, witch, lover, wise woman