All courses are tailored to the organisation concerned. Examples include:
- Group dynamic processes
- (Executive) Coaching
- Personal Effectiveness
- Dealing with system and organisation dynamics
- Communication
- Personal and professional leadership
Het Script Training Concept
- Het Script focuses on raising awareness, the transfer of knowledge and behavioural change in order to arrive at solutions and the desired result.
- The courses are modular (self-contained standalone units) and involve one or several meetings, combined with self-study and practical exercises.
- All courses are embedded and applicable in practice.
- The learning activities are based on the active input from the participant(s), whereby cases drawn from everyday practice as put forward by the participant himself are highly pertinent. For each module, assignments may be issued, which are to be prepared ahead of the lessons.
- The modules are compact so as to avoid unnecessarily keeping the participants away from their day-to-day duties. There is the opportunity to combine the lesson modules with supervision and/ or intervision gatherings.
At the outset of the track, each participant prepares a personal development plan or outlines a personal learning goal.